Rebels from 19 countries will be heading to Madrid for this important UN Conference on Climate Change.

Join Rebels Beyond Borders on tour for COP25 climate conference in Madrid! #TiempoDeActuar

XR groups from 19 countries will make their way across Europe to join XR Spain in an international effort to bear witness to COP25 (United Nations Climate Conference), being held in Madrid on 2-13th December 2019.

At COP25, delegates will come together from all over the world to make commitments on how to implement the Paris Climate Agreement and accelerate the global response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency.

Rebels will raise the alarm with non-violent direct action to reach the hearts of those with the power to make systemic change on an international scale.

Expect a series of beautiful creative actions, including 'The Dead Sea March' and some lively Civil Disco-bedience. XR will also take part in the 'Social Summit for Climate', where 150 grassroots organisations will join together to prove that the people have the power!

To find out more about how to join us in Madrid and find accommodation, please fill out this form. Encuentra el formulario en español aqui.

Join the Rebels Beyond Borders event on Facebook and let everyone know why you’re going by sharing on social media widely.

If you can't make it to Madrid, that's okay! You can help by organising solidarity actions to draw attention to the Emergency and to discussions at COP25, wherever you are in the world. You could brighten the streets with your own 'Civil Disco-bedience' or put on actions in front of embassies to highlight inaction, for instance. Check back on this doc, which will be filling up with more ideas to go alongside rebel COP activity.

COP25 was set to take place in Chile, but due to the mass civil unrest it has been relocated to Europe at very short notice. This is a chance to show international solidarity for both our Chilean and Spanish rebels by coming together as citizens of the Earth during a critical moment in history.

Next year, COP26 will be hosted in Glasgow. Make no mistake, world leaders and corporations: we will continue to escalate our actions globally over the next 12 months until we see our international demands met.


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