John, I'd wish you a happy Tax Day – but you and I both know there's nothing happy about it. Especially not this year.
Joe Biden and his handlers are robbing you blind and flushing your hard-earned money down the drain.
They think you worked day in and day out to serve them and their interests when it's supposed to be the other way around.
That's why I hope I can count on your Tax Day donation to Citizens Against Government Waste, and give us the ammunition we need to root out waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement wherever we find it.
Because just over a year after Joe Biden entered the White House, the writing is on the wall.
The most radical, Far-Left administration in history believes that your money should be used to promote their radical agenda.
They couldn't care less about you, your family, or your priorities.
They think you're a piggy bank with a pulse that they can take from as they please.
But Citizens Against Government Waste is here to bring balance back to Washington, and remind these politicians that they work for you – and their actions have consequences.
These champagne socialists have held the majority in the House, the tie-breaking vote in the Senate, and the White House for just over a year – and already, you're paying for their arrogance.
The price of gas, groceries and other basic goods are doubling, tripling, and quadrupling.
John, we still have more than two years to go.
And the longer you and I allow Joe Biden and his Far-Left supporters in Congress to spend your tax dollars like kids in a candy store, the more difficult it will become to put gas in your car, put food on your table, or keep a roof over your head.
So don't hesitate.
Please make a special Tax Day donation to Citizens Against Government Waste, and put your money to work for you.
Thank you for your continued generous support.
Tom Schatz
P. S. Ronald Reagan famously said "Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is [Tax Day].” Now, CAGW is a non-partisan organization – but there's no denying President Reagan's words ring true for Joe Biden and his big-spending democrats in Congress.
P. P. S. I hope you will help us fulfill the legacy President Reagan laid out for CAGW when he said we are “an organization whose only loyalty is to the one special interest group that we should support because we all belong to it – the United States taxpayers.”