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How do you think it would feel to
carry everything you own?


Homelessness doesn’t discriminate. A car accident, loss of job, increase of rents that don’t match up with minimum wage jobs, expensive child care, mental health disorders, substance use.

"I had two jobs, then I got hit by a car and have been unable to work. I’m thankful to have a roof over my head and food to eat.” 
"We had no furniture and only a few bags of clothes, so I set up an air mattress in the living room.” 
- Patience


Luckily for Bryce and Patience and 1,000+ (and growing) others who engage in our services, we’re here to support them. We need your help so we can provide basic necessities of food, shelter, and services to people in need in your community. 

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199 Manchester St.
Manchester, NH 03103

P. 603.641.9441
E. m[email protected]

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