Since Fox News started attacking me, our campaign has been inundated with slurs and vicious hits online—calling me a murderer, saying I suffer from mental illness, that I should be in prison, that I should be killed, and that my mother should have aborted me.
Many of you don’t know this, but my parents fought through fertility issues and the death of their oldest son for me to be here today. I am only making decisions on how I want to live my life and navigating the current economic climate of the United States, which disfavors upward economic mobility for young people of my generation born into working and middle America.
But when Fox News targeted me, it also attacked tens of millions of women across the United States—1 out of every 4 of us—and around the world.
I know from personal experience that women do not make the decision to terminate pregnancy lightly. But it’s a decision between us and our doctors—and ultimately ours to make. What right does Fox News have to second-guess us?
Fox News is trying to shame women from speaking out about their experiences. But this woman, and this campaign, will not be intimidated into silence.