Capitalism unravels further this week as more people are forced out of housing and stretch meager budgets further for food. The sweeps of encampments destroyed what little personal property, identification, and cash reserves unhoused people had. Capitalism is fighting the poor with fire; we're going to fight fire with water -- and a hot plate.
The People's Breakfast has fed people in the University District for almost a year now. Those were hungry now fed. We're building trust and confidence among people who genuinely have every reason to distrust blood-letting local government and nonprofits under capitalism. We. can build the future and our ties to working people that socialism can overtake capitalism and deliver what it can't.
Please contact JJ Bartlett on Slack and reach out through the Housing Justice Working Group. Here's the schedule for Sunday:
Sundays at University Heights Community Center.
Cooking (off-site) = 8:00am – 9:30am.
Serving (UHeights) = 9:30am – Food Runs Out.
Stay for the whole time or show up to one shift!