No teacher should pay a higher tax rate than a billionaire.
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The Latest Action Alert from Citizens for Tax Justice

Sign our Petition Demanding Billionaires Pay Taxes on their Wealth Like We All Do on our Work


Hi ,

While today is the tax filing deadline for Americans who work for a living, receive a paycheck, and pay taxes on that income, for billionaires who live off their wealth, it's just another Monday. Billionaires can avoid the taxes working Americans pay by hiring high-priced accountants and tax attorneys and using special rules in the tax code to hide their true income and live off their accumulating wealth. 

This is simply not fair.

No teacher or firefighter in America should be paying a higher tax rate than a billionaire. To change this, we must ensure billionaires and centimillionaires who live off their wealth can't hide behind accountants and loopholes and pay taxes on all their income. 

Members of Congress have started introducing legislation to do just that, and on this Tax Day, we must send a message loud and clear that the American public supports them.

Click here to sign the petition in support of a billionaire's income tax to start taxing wealth like work. 

For over 40-years we've been told that rewarding wealth at the top will trickle down to the rest of us. But 40-years of evidence has proved that to be a lie. It's time to turn away from failed economic theories and return to rewarding work, not wealth, and ensure those living off their wealth pay taxes just like those making a living from their work.


Sign petition to tax billionaires like working people.


And be sure you are following us on Twitter to join the #TaxBillionaires tweetstorm at 2 p.m. ET today! 



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