We have to confront a harsh reality today:

Without the support of grassroots conservative supporters like you, the very fate of our country is in jeopardy.

There’s a couple of reasons why we feel confident in that statement, even though it might sound extreme. Let’s look at the facts: right now, Americans are being burdened with a list of crises too long to count. Record inflation, record gas prices, a porous Southern Border, failures overseas…

It’s becoming overwhelming for so many of us, and we get that it might make you want to tune it all out. For some of you reading this right now, it could even be the reason why you haven’t been involved as much in our mission.

With a President who thinks he’s King Midas - except everything he touches turns to crap instead of gold - staying engaged with politics is probably the last thing you want to do right now…

But when we start to look at the math, it becomes clear that stopping these failures by making sure America First Republican leaders like Brian Mast are in the majority will not be possible without a whole grassroots army of patriots stepping up.

Polls may be trending on our side, but a victory is in no way guaranteed when Nancy Pelosi’s team of Democrat donors are spending at their current pace. We can’t afford to wait around until September or October to try to beat them. We need you in this fight right now.

And that’s why we have to ask:

Thank you for stepping up. It’s impossible to overstate how vital this is for America.

-Team Mast