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A young woman looks confidently ahead: END SEXUAL EXPLOITATION NOW

Dear Friend,

A Big Audacious Goal is something to reach for. It’s a stretch, usually daring, and maybe even a little crazy. People and businesses with real vision often have goals like this. Big goals inspire us, help us stay focused, and guide our plans.

It’s no wonder that the National Center on Sexual Exploitation has a Big Audacious Goal: Toppling an entire industry . . . the incredibly wealthy and powerful businesses that profit from the misery, enslavement, and sexual exploitation of vulnerable children, women, and men.

We are going to reach this goal. But it will not — it cannot — happen without your help.

Please consider giving now — you'll put a $25,000 Matching Grant to work!

Maximize the Matching Grant!

Every $1 will become $2, up to $25,000.

Lawsuits have been a crucial road to victory for NCOSE. We’ve learned that they’re one of the best ways to force accountability on the powerful, seemingly Teflon-coated businesses that profit from sexual exploitation with impunity.

In fact, it’s working so well that NCOSE is sharing our tactics with other law firms. Our goal is to overwhelm the sexual exploitation industry with legal challenges that bring reform. In the past year, we’ve filed or provided support in eight such lawsuits.

NCOSE could file another half dozen crushing lawsuits right now IF we had the funding and capacity to do so. Unfortunately, we don’t. We’d need $200,000 to add more attorneys, enabling us to take on those additional legal cases.

We don’t have that money. We have no option but to look to you and other generous partners who can see the vision behind our drive to topple an industry whose product is the sexual exploitation of children, women, and men.

When you give today, your gift will immediately be DOUBLED by a $25,000 Matching Grant intended solely to advance the fight against sexual exploitation.

Please join with all who share your concern for vulnerable people being victimized by callous business enterprises, legal systems riddled with loopholes, and widespread apathy. Thank you for giving generously now!



National Center on Sexual Exploitation
1201 F St NW Suite 200 | Washington, District of Columbia 20004
202-393-7245 | 
[email protected]

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