It’s up to me to make sure we run a campaign that’s true to Maura’s values and meets our mission of inclusion and empathy.

Maura Healey for Governor


That’s the amount I’m asking you to chip in to support Maura and help us move Massachusetts forward. Before I get down to the brass tacks, will you chip in $5 to support Maura and our grassroots campaign?

As Maura’s Campaign Manager, it’s my job to make sure we run a campaign that’s true to Maura’s values and meets our mission of inclusion and empathy. That means meeting voters where they’re at and taking the time to learn what they want to see from our next Governor.

To do that, we have to run a bigger campaign than we ever have before, which requires a lot of resources, and a whole lot of money. But recently, our fundraising has taken a bit of a dip.

This grassroots team really showed up during our first fundraising quarter, but we can’t slow down now. We’re speeding towards Election Day and we still have a lot of ground to cover. We have to knock on thousands of doors, make a ton of phone calls, and run ads across TV and radio. These resources are expensive, but this is what we have to do to run a winning campaign.

No donation is too small to help get our fundraising back on track and cover the costs of running a grassroots, statewide campaign. If you can chip in $5 today, it will have a huge impact and our team will really appreciate it. All you have to do is click here:

Thanks for being on Team Healey,

Campaign Manager, Healey for Governor