Friend, turn to God.

Not to government, not to media, but to God.

As an agnostic Jew, this might sound surprising coming from me.

But as we approach such important holidays for both Christians and Jews, with everything happening around us, it's time for our country to honor the religious roots of our freedoms.

President Trump did an excellent job leading our country, and protecting its citizens and values, but those days are long gone.

But we can't afford to stake our hopes or future in government in and of itself.

Because our freedoms, our rights, our liberties -- the values that have defined our nation -- don't come from government. They come from our founders' faith.

When I was writing my book Dark Agenda: The War on Christian America, I took a deep dive into our founding by Protestant Christians - and the Left's concerted efforts to push religion to the margins of our culture.

And now, more than ever, I want my fellow Americans to know the truth about how we were able to create and maintain the Great American Experiment.

The answer lies in our country's Judeo-Christian heritage.

But no one is saying that to our children in schools, or in the mainstream media.

That's why I'm asking for a generous donation of $45 or more today -- to amplify this message across our country when America needs to hear it most.

And as a thank you for your generosity, I'll send you your own copy of Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America.

If the Left succeeds in stripping America of its religious culture, and destroying the freedoms to which it gave birth, America will cease to exist.

Because America's religious foundation created the freedoms and prosperity we enjoy today.

It's one of the greatest barriers standing between us and a socialist, Marxist future, where government controls everything and becomes a secular God.

And believe me when I say that I would know better than most.

My name is David Horowitz, and I was raised by card carrying communists.

I know the Left so well because I was entrenched in it from birth.

But I broke from the Left in the 80s when I cast my vote for Ronald Reagan, and never looked back.

I founded my Freedom Center over 30 years ago because I knew what was at stake.

I knew the Left for what it was -- not what it pretended to be. And I knew how important it was to tell the truth to the American people.

You see, the only way to defeat the Left and their godless, borderless plot for our country is to EXPOSE THEM.

Because they thrive on deception. When they're allowed to go about their business in secret and behind closed doors, you and I are in the most danger.

That's why I hope you'll join me in this battle for our country's future right away.

And remember -- if you donate $45 or more, I'll send you a complimentary copy of Dark Agenda.

Thank you for your continued support.


David Horowitz

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