Border information from ex-border patrol agent Ammon Blair
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Jefferson/Orange County!
We are excited to be hosting Ammon Blair, an army veteran and former border patrol agent, as our speaker this month to enlighten us with real stories and statistics from the border. Would the average Texan have an answer for these questions?
What is BORDER SECURITY and how will we know when we have a secure border?
What framework does the U.S Government (CBP, DHS, DoD, DoS, etc.) use to asses the security and stability of Operational Environment on our southern border?
What parties or organizations are involved in the border region?
What is actually happening at our Southern Border?
Does the Border situation have any effect on your life?
How do we go about knowing and distributing the truth about the border?
We are also excited to hear from Brooks McKenzie, who will give us insight into the current state of family court/law, as well as supporting the nuclear family and 50/50 parental rights.