From TaxPayers' Alliance <[email protected]>
Subject 📰 Weekly Bulletin
Date April 17, 2022 9:59 AM
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While cleaner energy is a laudable aim, the transition must not be done on the backs of families on the lowest incomes.

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Heat pumps could cost taxpayers £115 billion
Our latest research ([link removed]) has revealed the astronomical cost of upgrading existing gas boilers with air source heat pumps. As part of the government's net zero strategy they could lumber households with bills of up to £18,000 each!

From April 2022 the government plans to provide grants of £5,000 to some households as a part of £450 million upgrade scheme in an attempt to subsidise and encourage the takeup of heat pumps.
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But in an exclusive with the Sunday Telegraph ([link removed]) , we revealed that if that grant were offered to Britain's 23 million residential households (currently lacking a heat pump) the cost would be £115 billion.

With gas and oil boilers set to be banned by 2035, ministers are keen to get the British public onboard with their net zero agenda. While cleaner energy is a laudable aim, the transition must not be done on the backs of families on the lowest incomes.
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We travelled to the picturesque market town and red-wall seat of Bishop Auckland to get the public's reaction. As you'll see from our 'vox pops' ([link removed]) it's fair to say that many won't be rushing to fork out for this new technology.

No wonder perhaps that our video has garnered tens of thousands of views online. That's why we're urging politicians to think carefully before any big decisions are made and come clean on the cost of green.
Do you think heat pumps are worth it? Let me know. (mailto:[email protected]?subject=Heat%20pump%20cost%20revealed)
TaxPayers' Alliance in the news
Taxpayers foot the bill for resettling illegal immigrants

As part of an exclusive investigation for Nigel Farage's GBNews programme, we discovered that the government paid out over £70,000 to resettle foreign criminals in their home country of Jamaica. ([link removed]) This is on top of the already large costs of repatriation.

The government argues this was due to "the Jamaican government struggling to contain the alarmingly high crime rate in the Country."
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Appearing on-air to discuss the findings, our digital campaign manager Joe Ventre described the expenditure as a "kick in the teeth" for taxpayers.

Many Brits are fed up with the enormous costs of deporting illegal immigrants, but this really takes the biscuit. We're telling ministers to act and put a stop to these wasteful schemes. Click here to watch the interview. ([link removed])
More fat cats set to cash in

According to The Mirror, the department for Levelling Up is offering pay of £140,000 to its "regional directors." There will be a total of 21 positions available which are said to afford a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity". Just like the recent release of Town Hall Rich List, ([link removed]) it once again raises questions about value for money.
Our chief executive John O’Connell perfectly summed up the situation to Mirror readers, “These pricey pen-pushers will end up costing the very people they’re trying to help a fortune in taxes. The best way to level up is by allowing families and firms to keep more of their own money and giving them more say over how taxes are spent.”
Taxpayers' cash to go up in smoke

Investigations by the Daily Mail revealed that waste disposal companies have been awarded £35 million of public money to burn unused personal protective equipment ([link removed]) (PPE) bought during the pandemic. According to the government this is cheaper than continuing to store the PPE.
Expressing his dismay at the news Joe Ventre told the Mail, "Taxpayers will be furious to see their money go up in smoke like this. Action understandably had to be taken quickly to arm healthcare workers with protective equipment, but shoddy deals have seen waste run well into the billions. A swift inquiry is needed to hold those responsible to account."
Blog of the week
How can we tame the inflation tiger?

Since the Bank of England was made independent in 1997, inflation felt like it would never be a pressing concern. But fast forward to 2022 and we can only dream of "low and stable inflation". With the latest figures putting the Consumer Prices Index at 7 per cent, what can be done to rein in inflation? ([link removed])
It seems likely that interest rates will have to further increase and potentially by a lot. In 1979 they peaked at 17 per cent as a response to inflation surging to almost 25 per cent. While hiking interest rates can help curb inflation, it has profound negative effects on millions of households across the country. Click here to read more about taming the inflation tiger. ([link removed])
War on Waste
TPA slams government over "cultural claptrap"

Analysis of government data by the TPA has revealed the ridiculous handouts ([link removed]) of cash to dubious culture and arts programmes. One notable example includes over £180,000 on the "Bureau of Silly Ideas". As reported by Westminster blogger, Guido Fawkes, "their recent work has mainly consisted of a rubbish bin squirting kids with water."

Our investigations manager, Elliot Keck hit out at the spending telling Guido, “Taxpayers are fed up seeing their hard-earned cash wasted on cultural claptrap. With the economy in genuine peril during the pandemic, funds could have been better used elsewhere rather than on these absurd projects."

The government must bring the curtain down on wasteful spending before demanding more money from taxpayers.

Please send me your examples of wasteful spending in the public sector. (mailto:[email protected]?subject=War%20on%20Waste)
Happy Easter!
And finally, from everyone at the TaxPyers' Alliance we wish you a very Happy Easter!

Harry Fone
Grassroots Campaign Manager

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