Green Party of the United States

Friend --

Most other political parties are just engines for circulating Wall Street money and influence. Sponsored conventions, big-ticket fundraising dinners, a constant flow of filthy lucre in exchange for shadowy meetings and hidden agendas. And that's just the "legal" bribery!

The parties and their elected officials are controlled by the top fundraisers (👋 Hi Nancy Pelosi!), ensuring they belong to the most corrupt, elitist members of their "constituency."

But the Green Party belongs to you, and everyday people like you. We fundraise through online donations from grassroots supporters who give $7 or $15 in response to an email like this one. That way, we have the financial independence necessary to keep fighting the billionaires and their cronies.

It's not easy, and recent months have been exceptionally difficult, as many in our community are still recovering from the pandemic and other sources of uncertainty.

If at least every one in three people who open this email pitches in, we’ll be in much better shape to make 2022 a successful year in the streets and at the ballot box. And, of course, we understand not everyone can give right now.

If you’re able to give today, it would help guarantee we have the resources to help Greens win this November and get our state Green Parties ready to run more competitively in the years ahead. Can you contribute any amount right now to build independent politics and Grassroots Democracy?

    DONATE $5    

The Green Party is possible only because of the commitment of people like you who believe in real change, beyond what the parties of War and Wall Street will allow.

Thank you,
The Green Party of the United States

P.S. Becoming a Monthly Sustainer is one of the easiest ways to support the Green Party all year. Thank you, Monthly Sustainers for giving us a foundation for this work!

Green Party of the United States · PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013, United States . This email was sent to [email protected]. To stop receiving emails, click here.


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