From Gillian Battino <>
Subject We deserve fair maps
Date April 16, 2022 8:28 PM
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Instead of standing up for the people of Wisconsin, partisan Republican justices, like Justice Hagedorn, simply threw their hands up in the air, offering little recourse for our residents.

These were the same maps that Justice Hagedorn had previously said were unconstitutional!

Republicans know they can’t win on a fair playing field, so they are stacking the deck in their favor.

This ruling is egregious, it is dangerous for our democracy, and it purposefully dilutes the power of voters of color.

We have to fight back against these Republicans who are willing to destroy our democracy. Can you donate $10 right now to help us fight back against Republicans and their rigged maps?

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One Wisconsin,

– Dr. Gillian Battino

Dr. Gillian Battino is a prior small business owner with over a decade of experience in nonprofit management. She is a trained radiologist who lives in Wausau, WI, with her husband, German Shepherd, two teenage children, and their laundry. Can you help us send Gillian Battino to Madison?

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Paid for by Dr. Gillian Battino for State Treasurer
Contributions may also be mailed to:
Dr. Gillian Battino for State Treasurer
P.O. Box 292
Wausau, WI 54402-0292
United States

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