In coordinating the work, Mutchler found himself tearing up at a video and audio of ecologist Craig Allen on the future of forests. Many nights, he’d grab his smartphone after getting pinged on WhatsApp from photographer Jasper Doest in Gabon. Long after his first look, Mutchler is haunted by Keith Ladzinski’s image from Colorado of a tree charred and dead after a 2020 wildfire, cut and ground to mulch, its “ashes” dumped by helicopter on a hillside (above) to prevent erosion—and, perhaps, to save other trees.
The project leans into solutions to maintain the world’s vital forests. Mutchler, thinking of that dead tree, quotes a researcher in saying: “We really need to hear these poor trees scream. … We need to listen to them.”
See the cover story here. Below are a few images from the issue.