Dear John,
I joined the Fed 5 because I have a caviar heart and a grassroots wallet. The Fed 5—a group of supporters who pledge $5 (or more!) a month to support Equality Federation—makes space for anyone who wants to support the LGBTQ movement.
In this uphill fight to achieve equality in the places my LGBTQ friends and family call home, I know it is my responsibility to show up. And because I’m so excited about this awesome campaign, I will match the next 10 donors who pledge $5 a month by November 30th.
Let’s do this, shall we? Join me and the Fed 5 so we can support Equality Federation in 2020 and beyond.

Jenny MacBeard
Fed 5 Donor
P.S. I’ve got an awesome Equality Federation sticker with your name on it. Make your pledge today and I’ll hook you up.