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Migrant surge could jump to as many as 18,000 PER DAY.

Jonette Christian, head of Mainers for Sensible Immigration Policy, wrote an op-ed about how both American workers and the Biden Administration would benefit from common sense policies such as E-Verify:

"Corporations eagerly hire cheap, exploitable migrant labor to break strikes, weaken unions, and force employees of all nationalities and backgrounds to accept lower wages and worse working conditions. This abuse is why, until relatively recently, many folks on the left railed against illegal immigration.

Legendary labor activist Cesar Chavez famously condemned it. Former President Obama, probably the most talented politician in living memory, noted, "The idea that we can just have open borders is something that ... as a practical matter, is unsustainable."

Sen. Bernie Sanders, in 2015, emphasized the need for limits on immigration. He decried open borders as a "Koch brothers proposal," referring to the billionaire libertarians who believe almost nothing should restrict businesses. Open Borders would "make a lot of Americans poorer" and lead to a glut of desperate people who'd "work for $2 or $3 an hour."

Multiple peer-reviewed studies have confirmed the validity of their concerns, and proven that a massive expansion of the labor pool drives down wages, especially for minority workers.

So it's no wonder that ordinary voters, including those on the left, support measures to ensure that jobs only go to Americans and legal immigrants. For instance, 58% of Democrats want to "mandate that all employers use the federal electronic E-Verify system to help ensure that they hire only legal workers for U.S. jobs," according to a Rasmussen poll taken in late March."

Requiring the use of E-Verify nationally will curb illegal immigration while ensuring open jobs go to legal workers. The system is mandatory for the federal government and federal contractors - but not for all American employers.

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