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President Biden took a major action to address gun violence, and new public polling from Giffords proves what we already knew, that a wide-spanning majority of Pennsylvanians support major legislation to combat gun violence in our communities. Welcome back to Taking a Stand: the CeaseFirePA Newsletter. Catch up on the latest.


President Biden’s Major Announcement on Ghost Guns, Plus a New Nominee to Lead the ATF

President Biden has advanced and announced a federal rule change that would require serial numbers on ghost guns as well as background checks at the point of sale. Ghost guns, which by any real measure are real guns that can kill people, have proliferated quickly because they can elude law enforcement investigations into violent crimes. Read Adam’s statement here.

Additionally, President Biden announced a nominee to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms: former U.S. Attorney Steve Dettelbach. The agency has been without a leader for far too long, and we will be monitoring this nomination process closely.



Ongoing Recovery and Advocacy in Erie

The community of Erie continues to advocate for sensible gun laws to save lives and end the day to day fear of violence in schools, in public spaces, and in our communities. Check out the Our Erie podcast that was recorded, with guest Josh Fleitman of CeaseFirePA, just before the school shooting at Erie HS.

And make sure to read the op/ed, co-written by Josh with Erie SD school board Director Jay Breneman in the aftermath of that violence, discussing the work we still need to do.


Join us in Harrisburg to let your voice be heard.

Join us for a day of advocacy on April 26th, and share with your lawmaker why you support gun violence prevention legislation. There are countless bills languishing in committees, never to see the light of day or the impact we so desperately need. Use your voice and get lawmakers to do the work to save lives!

Mark your calendar and RSVP.

Note: we have a number of buses being chartered to transport folks to the PA State Capitol, and you're also welcome to arrange your own transportation.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022 8:00 AM -  3:00 PM ET

  • 9 AM: Arrive in Harrisburg 
  • 9:30 AM - 11 AM: Meetings with your legislators 
  • 11 AM - 12 PM: Rally on the Front Steps 
  • 12 PM - 3 PM: Legislative meetings, Lunch, and Take a Stand activities 
  • 3 PM Leave Harrisburg

New Public Polling of PA Voters around Gun Violence Policy

Giffords, a national advocacy organization fighting for gun safety, announced new public polling data, which proved what we already know: an overwhelming majority of Pennsylvania voters want to see bold action to end gun violence.

Click here to read the full report.


An Unintentional Shooting Tragedy in Delaware County: How You Can Help

Pennsylvania has continued to ignore the need for safe gun storage legislation. As a result, so many, including young kids, are endangered on a daily basis. Tragedy struck this month in Delaware County, where a two-year old found an unsecured gun and inadvertently killed his four-year old sister, killing her.

A bill is already written, and it just needs a floor vote. We can require safe gun storage for all gun owners, and we can make investments to educate the public of the dangers of unsecured guns. Use your voice. Add your name as a supporter of our proposal now.



Waiting period gun purchase legislation saves lives. 71% of suicide attempts happen within the first 24 hours, and suicide by gun is especially lethal

Add your name to our waiting period proposal. Responsible gun owners waiting just 72 hours to pick up their purchase can drastically lower the rate of gun suicide here in Pennsylvania. And in our Commonwealth, a whopping 62% of gun violence we experience is gun suicide. We can’t afford not to take action.


Before we go, we just want to thank you for being a loyal reader and advocate for gun safety policy. We’re building power, we’re using our voices, and this work matters. Help us to broaden our coalition by forwarding this newsletter to a friend. They can easily subscribe by clicking our top banner image or clicking here.

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215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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