Passover is celebrated by Jews every year, commemorating the anniversary of our miraculous Exodus from Egyptian slavery, as told in the Bible. A look back as we approach Passover tonight …… Thanks to Israel Daily Picture: Good Friday, April 6, 1917 ...
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Passover Eve Jerusalem 1917
Passover is celebrated by Jews every year, commemorating the anniversary of our miraculous Exodus from Egyptian slavery, as told in the Bible.

A look back as we approach Passover tonight ……

Thanks to Israel Daily Picture:

Good ...

FBI and ATF ‘Assets’ Embedded at Capitol on January 6
This comes as no surprise. The whole January 6 “insurrection” scenario was implausible from the start. Trump told the protestors to proceed peacefully, and told them to disperse when things got out of hand. The Dems would have us believe that ...

The Brooklyn Subway Shooting Was Critical Race Theory In Practice
The New York City authorities, like the corrupt and compromised FBI, are so busy looking for fictional “white supremacists” that they missed this genuine black racist who went on a shooting spree in the subway. This demonstrates the truth yet ...

Military Vets Injured in Terror Attacks Say Biden Ignoring Their Sacrifices and Those of Thousands of Other Terrorism Victims
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Unhinged Twitter Board Adopts ‘Poison Pill’ Stop Elon Musk and Free Speech
The left cannot permit the free exchange of ideas because their failed ideas cannot stand up to scrutiny and challenge.

Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society. Without it, a tyrant can wreak havoc unopposed, while his opponents ...

Death toll during the holy month of Ramadan 2022
For 30 days, I will report daily the terrorist attacks, the crimes, the butcheries of Ramadan Bombathon 2022.

I have followed and report Ramadan Bombathon for 9 years. It has always amazed me to see that no mainstream media ever dared to ...

Employee at USAID Contractor Celebrated Jihad Terrorist Attack Against Israelis
Your tax dollars at work. USAID had cut off the “Palestinians” during the Trump administration, but Biden's handlers started the gravy train moving again. The idea of U.S. taxpayer money going to a Jew-hater such as Rawan Abu-Salhieh is a major ...

WATCH: Israel’s ‘game-changing’ laser interceptor completes successful test series
In 2011, Israel achieved a major military milestone with the introduction of the Iron Dome missile defense system. Today, a mere 11 years later, Israel is on the verge of an even greater achievement. That is becoming the first country to operate ...

Throngs of Muslim Youth Attack Police on Temple Mount, Worshipers at Western Wall
Palestinian terrorists are throwing rocks at Israeli civilians from the Temple Mount, and then hide in Al-Aqsa mosque when confronted by Israeli security forces. Israelis are under siege from Palestinian terrorists. America must stop providing ...

Biden approval rating drops to 33 percent, hitting new low in key poll
The Quinnipiac University poll is a Left-leaning poll. As such, President Biden's polls are very likely even lower. President Biden is without question the worst POTUS of our lifetime. Perhaps of any lifetime. It is frightening that we have 2.5 ...

Two women at New Jersey’s only all-women’s prison have both fallen pregnant after having sex with the same transgender inmate
When reality meets toxic bullshittery…..

Two Inmates Pregnant After ACLU Lawsuit Brings ‘Transgender Women’ to New Jersey Women’s Prison

By Penny Starr, Brietbart, 14 Apr 2022: Last year, a lawsuit filed by the American Civil ...

TRUMP PEACE: Abraham Accords Continue to Grow Despite Biden’s Policies
Despite the Biden Administration's efforts to sabotage and obstruct the Abraham Accords, Israel's relations with it's Arab neighbors are progressing well. Hardly a day goes by without hearing about new economic or cultural milestone achieved ...

Israeli forces arrest Palestinian cell planning ‘imminent’ terrorist attack
The Israel Defense Forces continue to eliminate Palestinian terror cells in Judea and Samaria, which were on the verge of carrying out horrific pre-Passover terror attacks against Israeli citizens. Gd bless the IDF.

Related – IDF Thwarts ...

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