April 15, 2022
To the Good People of New York’s 9th Congressional District,
I hope this edition of the Yvette Gazette finds you well. Before we dive into this week's newsletter, I wanted to take a moment to extend my wishes for a Blessed Good Friday and a Happy Passover to those who observe these holy days. Brooklyn's diversity of faith is what defines us as a community, and I am honored to be your representative in Washington, DC.
As always, I thank you for tuning in for the bi-weekly update on the work I champion in Congress. Never forget, your support and civic participation is paramount in securing the investments and federal dollars we need to improve our 9th District community. Together, and thanks to the on-going support of passionate individuals such as yourself, we will continue to bring tangible, meaningful change to our Brooklyn district.
You can contact my office via email at clarke.house.gov/contact/email/. Or, if you prefer to call, you can reach my Brooklyn office at 718-287-1142, or my D.C. office at 202-225-6231. Remember to encourage your neighbors to sign up for this newsletter at: clarke.house.gov/contact/newsletter/.
If you’d like daily updates on my work in Congress, visit my website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. I wish you well, and I look forward to my next opportunity to get in touch with you.
Yvette D. Clarke
Member of Congress
Tax Day 2022
Please remember, the 2022 deadline to file your taxes is April 18th; just around the corner!
What You Need-To-Know About Passport Services
Applying for a passport can be a challenging and stressful experience. To avoid any unforeseen circumstances, I recommend planning ahead and applying early. As of April, the current processing times following a passport application are as follows:
- Routine Service: 8 to 11 weeks
- Expedited Service: 5 to 7 weeks
Please note, processing times begin the day Passport Services receives the application at a passport agency or center, not the day the application is mailed or submitted.
To check the status of your passport application, please visit: passportstatus.state.gov with the following information:
- Last name on application
- Date of birth
- Social Security Number (Last Four Digits)
For more detailed information, please click here.
Request FY2023 Community Project Funding
Following the successful inclusion of Community Project Funding in the FY22 Omnibus Appropriations legislation this year, Congress will once again accept requests for FY2023 for crucial direct funding of local projects led by governmental and not-for-profit entities. This allows Members to put our first-hand understanding of our local communities to work to best help our constituents. As your representative, I intend to fight for the priorities that are most important to our district and I want to hear directly from you about the projects that receive funding. To be considered for FY2023 Community Project Funding, please click here.
Home Help For Heroes Program New Congressional Map
Following the 2020 Census, our new Congressional map for New York's 9th District has arrived. While most of you will see no change, many of my current constituents will be represented by a different congressmember come the 118th Congress in early 2023. Please review the new map below, and feel free to reach out to my office with any questions or concerns.
Free At-Home Test Kits
Lower Internet Bills with the Affordable Connectivity Program
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is an FCC benefit program that helps households afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare, and more by providing a discount of up to $30 per month towards internet service for eligible households in Brooklyn. A household is eligible if a member of the household meets at least one of the criteria below:
- Participates in SNAP, Medicaid, Federal Public Housing Assistance, SSI, WIC, or Lifeline;
- Participates in free and reduced-price school lunch or breakfast program;
- Received a Federal Pell Grant during the current award year;
- Participates in or meets the criteria for a participating provider’s existing low-income program; or
- Income at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines
To submit your application, please visit http://www.acpbenefit.org/. To learn more about the program, click here.
Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests Through USPS
Place an order with the USPS here for one set of 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests. Orders are limited to one per residential address, they include 4 individual rapid antigen COVID-19 tests, and they will ship for free starting at the end of January.
Military Service and Social Security
If you are an active or retired service member and would like to know more about the social security benefits you are entitled to, please click here for invaluable information from the Social Security Administration.
Student Loan Deferment Extension
The Biden Administration recently announced that its deferment period on student loan repayments has been extended to August 31st, 2022, meaning all federal student loans will not need to be repaid until that date. To hear more from the president on this, please click here.
Cases Open: My staff is always hard at work assisting our constituents. As of today, we have a total of 581 active cases, which we diligently work towards resolving. These cases can involve anything from trouble securing hard-earned social security checks to difficulties attaining a passport. If you have an issue you are struggling with that you believe we can help resolve, please do not hesitate to reach out to my Brooklyn office.
Cases Closed: In recent weeks, my staff closed 51 cases from constituents. That means 51 separate issues our neighbors in the 9th District brought to my attention, were resolved.
Co-Sponsored Legislation; Over the past two weeks, I lent my support and commitment to the following bills:
H.R.7489 - Time Off to Vote Act
This bill would require American employers to provide at least two hours of paid time off so that workers can vote in federal elections. I believe that all Americans should have the right to have their votes counted and voices heard, making voting more accessible would allow marginalized communities to have a greater opportunity to vote. H.R. 7489 would serve as a federal commitment to fight voter suppression and legislative roadblocks that have been placed by state legislatures, and by co-sponsoring this bill I am committed to ensuring that every vote counts.
H.R.7439 - Energy Security and Independence Act of 2022
This bill would spur domestic production of clean energy technologies through the Defense Production Act, supporting domestic supply chains for solar panels, wind turbines and other clean energy technologies. It is time we ended our reliance on Russian energy by revitalizing our usage of clean energy. Not only would we power up the United States, but we would do so in a way that lowers carbon emissions and creates new job opportunities. H.R. 7439 serves as a means of securing energy independence for the United States without reliance on non-renewable fuels and ensuring that we no longer rely on Russian energy during their invasion of Ukraine and for the foreseeable future.
H.R.7252 - Federal Government Advertising Equity Accountability Act
This bill would require all federal agencies to include in their annual budget requests to Congress the amount they spend on advertising contracts with small, disadvantaged businesses and businesses owned by minorities and women. There has not been enough accountability held by government agencies that only give a fraction of their advertising contracts to SDBs and women and minority owned businesses, creating a shocking disadvantage to communities of color. H.R. 7252 would create transparency between Congress and federal agencies in the way that they may serve communities of color, that would create an opportunity for minorities to have a greater opportunity to grow their businesses.
H.R.7185 - Federal Contracting for Peace and Security Act
This bill would prohibit the federal government from doing business with companies that continue to operate in Russia, and any company conducting business operations in territory internationally recognized as the Russian Federation during the Russian Invasion. The world has seen the war crimes that Russian forces have done unto the sovereignty of Ukraine. The American taxpayer can no longer go towards supporting Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. H.R. 7185 is setting an example that the U.S. government does not do business with countries that threaten the independence of another country.
H.R.7174 - National Computer Forensics Institute Reauthorization Act of 2022
This bill would reauthorize the National Computer Forensics Institute for an additional 10 years, as the NCFI has provided critical assistance to local and national efforts to prosecute criminals with electronic evidence. We must hold criminals accountable for cybercrimes that they commit and uphold the presence of NCFI in these investigations as they have played an integral role. H.R 7174 is legislation that empowers and trains law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges to hold accountable transnational criminal organizations that commit bank fraud, child exploitation, and other crimes committed with the use of computers.
H.R.7147 - Cost of War Act of 2022
This bill would require the Department of Defense to publicly share the cost per American taxpayer of each military operation conducted by the U.S. Armed forces since 9/11 and into the future. With rising costs, Americans have the right to transparency on government spending when infrastructure and education are not getting the funding necessary to uphold communities. Military spending has been a massive cost to American taxpayers, and H.R. 7147 would be a step towards restoring oversight on national security issues and bringing light the enormous cost of war that the U.S. spends on every year.
These are the moments that make history and I was deeply honored to be a witness to the Senate vote for the confirmation of soon to be sworn-in Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. It was a historic occasion, personally and to represent the people of the 9th Congressional District of New York. It was a tremendous honor to be there to applaud the 53 – 47 bipartisan vote. President Biden’s nomination of DC Circuit Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the US Supreme Court, is not just timely and necessary, it is a fulfilled promise that is instrumental to a healthy democracy. This historic confirmation is a renewed pledge of America in pursuit of a more just society and I am deeply grateful to bear witness to this change in the winds towards a more equitable and just society. Judge Jackson is a shining example of what this nation can be when we come together, in spite of our differences, to create a country for the good and understanding of all its people. Judge Jackson is the “I Rise” and the “I am” unfolding on the world stage. President Biden’s decision to nominate a Black woman to serve as the next Supreme Court Associate Justice represents the culmination of centuries of struggles and perseverance, and it is not lost on me that we are all truly blessed to witness this moment in our American history. This momentous occasion also highlights Judge Jackson’s scholarly and legal acumen, her dedication, hard work, commitment and decades of outstanding service on behalf of the American people. Judge Jackson also brings along a wealth of cultural experiences that will fundamentally raise the Supreme Court’s ability to fulfill its purpose: to uphold equal justice for all Americans, regardless of their race, sex, or background. Today, millions of young Black women and girls are endowed with a new understanding of what is possible in this nation. And that is reflective of the transformative power of representation. This extraordinary node in our history chronicles the progress of our shared humanity and unifies us on the Founding Principles of the United States of America. May Justice Jackson be protected and divinely guided in her work in the years to come for all Americans.
As the daughter of immigrants and a lifelong advocate for their fair chance and access to the American dream, the Biden Administration’s decision to lift the harmful, malicious, and discriminatory policy that is Title 42 is a welcome blessing and one that I have long awaited. While this policy endured, countless hopeful migrants suffered under its authority as we circumvented our obligations under international and domestic law. This harmful policy disproportionately affected Black migrants and created life-threatening conditions for immigrants seeking refuge at our borders. Untold unaccompanied children, families, asylum seekers; none were spared the denial of due process entitled to them by law. Though it is difficult and perhaps impossible to undo this pain caused by Title 42, it is my hope that its end will signal the beginning of a national commitment to compassionately and safely welcome new Americans to our country. But let me be clear: our nation owes these communities, particularly the Haitian people who were disproportionately and vastly victimized under its cruelty, more than the apologies and empty words they are so tragically accustomed to. They deserve our promise for a better, more accepting, more loving future. And I intend to keep it.