Ilhan for Congress

Friends, we’re just hours away from our mid-month deadline, and it’s deeply important we reach our goal of bringing in 2,000 individual contributions before midnight. Here’s why:

Last cycle, our campaign was up against millions of dollars in spending from right-wing groups desperate to elect my corporate-backed primary opponent and silence our movement.

We proved that organized people beat organized money — and we not only won the primary, but also built an organizing operation for the general election that helped secure the Democratic majority and elect progressives up and down the ballot.

We know how competitive this primary can get and we can’t afford to be caught off guard. We need to be ready to fight back against every corporate, right-wing dollar spent and every bad-faith attack launched against us, and reach every single voter we can in Minnesota’s Fifth District. Not only to re-elect me, but to build a strong progressive coalition and defend the House Democratic majority.

But we’re not on track to meet our mid-month fundraising goal tonight, which is why I’m reaching out before the clock strikes midnight:

Will you add a contribution of any amount right now so we have the resources to win this race and continue our work for progress at every level of government?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar