Did you see the latest segment from John Oliver about data vendors and how our data is being used to track us in shocking ways?
Did you see the latest segment from John Oliver about data vendors and how our data is being used to track us in shocking ways?
This is one of the most important issues for Yvette, and we’re both thrilled that he uplifted this issue!
Yvette is currently advocating for a bill she sponsored that would make Big Tech accountable for its racist algorithms. In the Algorithmic Accountability Act, Yvette proposes more transparency about how people are “segmented” into ad targets and how those algorithms perpetuate racism on an alarming level.
In fact, Yvette has been holding Big Tech accountable for years, fighting for companies like Facebook and Google to grapple with their influence. Even back in 2019, Yvette introduced a VR TECHS Act which would form a committee to investigate the use of VR tech in the federal government which has become even more relevant as the Metaverse grows in popularity.
We need voices like Yvette fighting to stop Big Tech from abusing our data, perpetuating racism, and hold them accountable for the amount of power and influence they have over our daily lives!
Yvette is on the cutting edge of fighting for our rights, our privacy, and our future, and we need to keep her in Congress as the influence of these Big Tech and Big Data companies grow. Not just for New York, but for the entire country.
Yvette Clarke is the ONLY Black woman representing New York in Washington. She has a known track record of bringing together moderates and progressives to pass progressive legislation to help communities of color, low-income families, immigrants, and more. If you'd like only the most important updates, you can opt for fewer emails here, but if you don't want to keep Yvette proudly representing Brooklyn, you can unsubscribe.