To be frank, our Frontline Members like Sanford Bishop have a tough fight ahead.


I’m thrilled to announce that I just added Congressman Sanford Bishop to the DCCC’s list of 2022 Frontline Members — a list of incredible incumbent Democrats whose victories are essential to protecting our Democratic House Majority this year.

I’ve seen Sanford Bishop's leadership firsthand, and trust me when I say that we need to keep his powerful voice in Congress. That’s why I’m asking: Will you chip in $20.22 or more to help Congressman Bishop build on this moment and protect our Democratic Majority?

John, thanks to the support of strong grassroots donors like you, we were able to protect our Majority in 2020 so House Democrats can continue to fight for COVID-19 relief, expand access to affordable health care, build our economy back better, and deliver on the issues that really matter to you and your family.

Now, we’re tasked with holding our Majority once again, and to be frank, our Frontline Members like Sanford Bishop have a tough fight ahead. Powerful special interests have already made it clear that they’re all-in on curbing our progress and undermining the efforts of everyone who has worked so hard to elect Sanford Bishop.

I know Sanford Bishop is up to the challenge, but it’s going to take the full strength of this grassroots movement to push back against outside, special interest influence and deliver another resounding victory for the people of Southwest and Middle Georgia.

So I’m calling on you now to stand with us by rushing a contribution of $20.22 or more today and help us keep Sanford Bishop in Congress and protect our Democratic Majority >>

Thank you for standing with us in this big moment,

Sean Patrick Maloney
Chairman, DCCC

Sanford Bishop for Congress
P.O. Box 909
Columbus, GA 31902
[email protected]
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Paid for by Sanford Bishop for Congress