Weekly Reads
“[MacKenzie] Scott’s approach has been held up by some observers as a kind of rebuke to other models of giving. But I see it as part of a larger trend of donors and foundations moving away from the top-down, donor-knows-best approaches to philanthropic strategy that have so often failed. In its place, increasingly, is an approach that recognizes and respects the expertise of those closest to issues and communities, including the expertise that comes from having been affected directly by issues.” [more]
Phil Buchanan, Center for Effective Philanthropy
“Federal funds are only as effective as their distribution channels. Right now, the distribution system is stacked against historically marginalized communities.” [more]
Lois DeBacker and Joe Evan, The Kresge Foundation, in Nonprofit Quarterly
“It’s essential that our grantees be able to center the opinions and perspectives of the people that are most impacted by their decisions. Listening — and responding — to feedback from the people and communities at the heart of their work has helped nonprofits respond more effectively to changing client needs, repair relationships between staff and clients, and empower their clients to advocate for themselves. Done well, listening leads to better outcomes and helps shift power to the people and communities that are most harmed by the systems we’re seeking to change in a way that can contribute to greater equity. In times of crisis, listening is even more critical.” [more]
Clara Bennett, Joshua Elder, Katie Ensign, Lexi Mairone, and Veronica Olazabal, Feedback Labs’ Feedback Incentive Learning Group, in Center for Effective Philanthropy