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Veterans just wrapped up another week on the road urging Congress to hold the president accountable for his abuse of power. One thing is clear: communities across the country and veterans across military branches agree that Congress must put politics aside and conduct a nonpartisan investigation to examine the president's behaviors.
Here’s a recap:
Veterans kicked off the week in Syracuse to call on Rep. Katko to support the investigation.
Veterans kicked off the week in Syracuse to call on Rep. Katko to support the investigation..
Next, they headed to Bucks County, PA, to ask Rep. Fitzpatrick to hold the president accountable.
Next, they headed to Bucks County, PA, to ask Rep. Fitzpatrick to hold the president accountable.
Finally, the week wrapped up in DC with Speaker Nancy Pelosi reminding Congress to put country over politics.
Finally, the week wrapped up in DC with Speaker Nancy Pelosi reminding Congress to put country over politics.
Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, public testimony from two Republican staffers and one decorated Iraq war veteran affirmed the accuracy of allegations against the president. Witnesses presented clear - and in one instance, explosive - evidence that confirmed that the president attempted to extort Ukraine and identified Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as being "in the loop." Despite all we have heard, some members of Congress are unwavering in their support for the president.
This is only the beginning --
The Defend American Democracy Team
P.S.: Watch Speaker Pelosi and a crowd of veterans repeat their oath to uphold the Constitution.

Defend American Democracy is a project of Protect the Investigation.
© 2019 Protect the Investigation