If you aim to climb uphill to the highest peak you can envision, that's better than happiness.
When you listen to a profound piece of music that spans the whole emotional experience, it is not happy.
Happy is elevator music, and you probably shouldn't listen to that at all. It lacks depth. It's shallow. That's a problem. It doesn't have that deep sense of awe and horror that characterizes the best music.
To pursue your life's adventure is better than happiness, it's meaning and redemption. This is the antidote to suffering. And maybe if you're lucky while you're pursuing it, you get to be happy.
If you were fully awake to your errors and fully taking advantage of every opportunity that was put before you, you have no idea what the limit of transformation might be.
Easter is a tremendous time to reflect upon meaning, resurrection, and the adventure of your life.
If you're looking to understand yourself and others better this Easter, my Discovering Personality Course gives tools and mental models to improve your personal and professional relationships.
For Easter, the course is 47% off. You will also receive free access to the Understand Myself "Big Five" personality assessment.
Happy Easter, and best wishes to you all.