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Just News

for April 15, 2022

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at

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2022 Just Economy Conference 
The Just Economy Conference is back, live in DC, June 13-14. Don't miss it. [Register here]


Banks Are Wrong to Oppose CFPB Data Collection for Small-Business Loans
By Jesse Van Tol, American Banker's BankThink
If you are a lending executive with a sincere desire to be part of the solution to the nation’s socioeconomic divides, then this is a golden opportunity to embrace a simple data collection effort that will enable real progress to follow your public positioning. [Read more]

Land Trusts, Food Justice and Reparations: The Antidote to the Toxicity in the Curtis Bay Community
By Monica Grover
The toxic chemical industry has engulfed entire residential areas of Baltimore. But in the long-suffering neighborhood of Curtis Bay, the local community is fighting back. [Read more]

The Community Reinvestment Act and its Connections to Health Outcomes
By Karen Kali and Samantha Autar
Policymakers and community organizations should understand CRA as a powerful tool of public health policy, not only the housing and business development heavyweight it has always been – because community wealth shapes community health. [Read more]


NCRC Community Development Fund Hires Nayeli Pelayo as Operations Manager
Meet Nayeli Pelayo, the new operations director for the NCRC Community Development Fund. Nayeli will be integral in the daily management and internal operations of NCRC CDF.  [Read more]

Field Notes

NCRC Member Profile: City of Tampa Housing and Community Development
By Kayon Henderson 
NCRC’s membership includes more than 600 community-focused organizations in 44 states. Here’s an introduction to one of them, City of Tampa Housing and Community Development (HCD), from HCD’s Manager Kayon Henderson. [Read more]


National Association of Realtors: Fair Housing in Your Neighborhood- How to Be an Agent of Change
April 22, 9 - 10 am ET
Join NCRC’s Senior Director of Policy Megan Haberle at the National Association of Realtors 2022 Conference Year-Round program session, Fair Housing in Your Neighborhood- How to Be an Agent of Change. [Register here]

The Go-Go City Live Film Screening and Concert
April 23, 3 - 6 pm ET

Please join NCRC’s Director of the Housing Counseling Network Ibijoke Akinbowale, who will be a panelist at the DC Public Library’s screening of the documentary film “Go-Go City: Displacement & Protest in Washington, DC.” Stay tuned afterwards for a live Go-Go performance by The Rocksteady Project. [Register here]

In the News

Bloomberg Markets: Triple Take
By Caroline Hyde, Romaine Bostick and Sonali Basak, Bloomberg TV
Triple Take discusses one topic from three different angles after the closing bell on Wall Street. April 14, 2022, show tackles big bank earnings. Guests: David George of Robert W Baird & Co., Jesse Van Tol of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition [Watch Video]

How Greenwood Became the Most Hyped Startup in Black America
By Brett Pulley and Jordyn Holman, Bloomberg
Greenwood offers checking accounts, savings accounts, and debit cards, and it eventually plans to roll out investment tools, small-business loans, and mortgages. Ultimately it wants to become the singular financial destination for the Black and Brown middle class. “Hopefully,” says National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s Van Tol, “it’s not used as an excuse for banks to wash their hands of making loans and banking with Black people.” [Read more]

On Our Radar

Biden Administration Appoints 'Racial Equity Czar' to Join HUD
By Keith Reed, The Root
Adjoa B. Asamoah is HUD’s first ever senior adviser for racial equity and currently the only Black woman in federal government whose role is advising a Cabinet secretary, in this case HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge, on how public policy contributes to structural inequity and how to mitigate those impacts. News of her appointment comes on the 54th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the Fair Housing Act into law. [Read more]

HUD Unveils Plan to Help People With a Criminal Record Find a Place to Live
By Romina Ruiz-Goiriena, USA TODAY
In a memo sent out to staff on Tuesday, HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge instructed the department to review programs and policies that may "pose barriers to housing for persons with criminal histories or their families." [Read more]

Banks Say They're Getting Tough on Coal, but They Keep Lending Trillions to Polluters
By Nicole Goodkind, CNN
Coal, the highest carbon emitting and dirtiest energy source, is the single biggest contributor to human-created climate change...Over the last three years commercial banks have funneled $1.5 trillion into the industry, according to a recent report by green campaign groups Urgewald and Reclaim Finance along with more than two dozen other NGOs. [Read more]

Bank Deposits Could Drop for First Time Since World War II
By David Benoit, The Wall Street Journal
Over the past two months, bank analysts have slashed their expectations for deposit levels at the biggest banks. The 24 institutions that make up the benchmark KBW Nasdaq Bank Index are now expected to see a 6% decline in deposits this year. Those 24 banks account for nearly 60% of what was $19 trillion in deposits in December, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. [Read more]


A DC Hub for Nonprofits, Events and Work
For nonprofits and social sector ventures in DC: Do your work and meetings at the new Just Economy Club in DC. It’s hosted by NCRC in the historic Union Trust building at 15th and H Streets, just around the corner from The White House. [Read more]

New Learning & Training Hub
Our new learning management system is live! It is designed with you in mind, offering a more robust experience for every kind of learner. [Learn more]

Browse Our Collection of Research and Reports
We have an extensive library of research and reports that dates back many years; now available in one convenient location! [View all]

Browse Our Collection of Racial Wealth Snapshots
Over the past two years, NCRC has put together a catalog of Racial Wealth Snapshots. [View all]

Sign and Share the Just Economy Pledge
America should not only promise but deliver to all Americans opportunities to build wealth and live well. Sign the pledge and share it to help us expand the movement for a Just Economy. [Sign and Share]

Member Hub
NCRC members: Don't forget you have access to our member hubLearn more about membership here. You can join as an organization or an individual.

Fair Lending Tool
Use our interactive tool to produce a report on mortgages, small business lending and bank branch networks for any city, county or metro area in the nation. [Access the tool here]

TreasureCRA Page
CRA will be essential for COVID-19 economic recovery in the communities hardest hit by the pandemic. Use the tools on this page to reach your friends and local leaders. [Read more]
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