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One Voice One Nation

Hi John --

Welcome to One Nation's newsletter for 14th April 2022.

This week we're hitting the campaign trail with an Easter egg hunt that highlights recent events in politics... One Nation is proud to announce the senate line-up for Queensland... Malcolm Roberts drops another truth BoM in the senate estimates... Mark Latham calls the Greens out for their policy to allow gender-reaffirming surgery on Medicare... Archbishop Viganò, who has been speaking out for years, now warns of the final stages of the WEF globalist agenda... Candidate news from Rhiannon Bosma and Julie Hall... Only about 800 bottles left of "Aussie Spirit" Limited Edition gin... 

Enjoy this week's news from One Nation. 😊

Episode 22
"Please Explain"
The Campaign Easter Special 

Climate 200

It's 'Good Friday' and we're on the campaign trail Easter egg hunt with some of our favourite characters in an episode jampacked with recent events from this week in politics. 

Don't forget to watch and share our election special, 'How to Vote Responsibly' narrated by Australian television and radio icon John Burgess. 

You can also catch up on all the Please Explain episodes here on our website.

WATCH: www.onenation.org.au/please-explain

We always enjoy reading your comments on YouTube. It's great to see the responses and the interactions. Thank you for your support:

"The best part is how you got Lydia Thorpe to play Lydia Thorpe, just brilliant." (Mr Blewvane)

 "Wow what an awesome start to Easter. Thanks guys I need that laugh this morning. Getting tough out here for the real people...(Duke Jet)

"The prayer room 😆 these politicians play up in Canberra and think they're accountable to nobody, then act like they've been betrayed when Pauline shows us behind the curtain. Like they're entitled to their secrets on our dime." (Ben Anthony)

"Love the "independents," we have one of those running here, incredibly well funded and organized, yet pretending to be grassroots. And of course, running on a vague platform of "climate crisis." (zzycatch)


By George, we've done it!

From Senator Pauline Hanson

Senate Line Up

One Nation was proud this week to announce our Queensland Senate team for this federal election will be One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson, Raj Guruswamy, and George Christensen!

We can also announce we will be standing a full team of 151 lower house candidates across Australia.

One Nation is 'on the charge'!



To be clear, One Nation makes no distinction between Australians born here or Australians born overseas. One Nation treats all Aussies equally and has no time for those who don't.

We're all Australians first and foremost.

Raj Guruswamy has been an Australian citizen and resident for longer than many who were born here and his contribution to his adopted country has been extraordinary.

Raj has directly created thousands of Australian jobs. He played a key role in establishing coal giant Adani’s operations in Queensland and in establishing Australian logistics company Linfox in India and Southeast Asia. He's an excellent candidate with a great deal of expertise in two industry sectors absolutely essential to Australia’s economy: transport and resources.

Australia is a better country because of Raj’s contribution. He is dedicated to Australia and Queensland. This is his home as much as it is for any other Australian.

I'm delighted that Raj has joined me on the senate ticket because I've worked with him for many years in my efforts to bring back Australian manufacturing and innovation—in other words, creating yet more Australian jobs and improving our sovereign capability and self-sufficiency.

If elected, Raj plans to make this his priority.

The retiring Member for Dawson, George Christensen, needs no introduction. He is an outspoken defender of the rights and freedoms which underpin the Australian democracy. 

Watch here as George Christensen explains why he's joined One Nation:


With great candidates of Raj’s and George's calibre all working to put Australia and Australians first, One Nation looks forward to your support at this election.


Stay up to date with One Nation news


Today's Weather and Floods Not Unprecedented
—Bureau of Meteorology

From Senator Malcolm Roberts, Queensland

Bureau of Meteorology Admits Weather/Floods \

In my questioning at Senate Estimates the Bureau of Meteorology confirmed that we've had bigger floods before.

Our recent weather has been severe and affected many people and my heart goes out to them.

But greenies claiming that our recent weather is unprecedented are abusing these people's grief for political gain.

See the latest from Senator Malcolm Roberts here: 


Gender-Reaffirming Surgery Paid by the Taxpayer if Greens Win Federal Election

From The Hon. Mark Latham MLC, New South Wales


The Greens’ election policy of having gender-reaffirming surgery included on Medicare is another example of their attempt to normalise the far-Left idea of gender fluidity.

The focus by the Greens on young people is particularly disturbing where 7- and 8-year-old boys are being told they can be girls.

We need to call this for what it is.

The sexualisation of young children by the Greens through their continued efforts towards introducing them to adult ideas and concepts like gender fluidity is child abuse.

Plain and simple.

Listen to the Interview: 2GB Drive with Jim Wilson 

Archbishop Viganò on the World Economic Forum

From Stephen Andrew, MP for Mirani QLD

Archbishop Carlo

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has warned that the 'New World Order' is currently in the final stages of its coup d’état of humanity.

"We are facing a global coup that involves both civil society and the Church. Both are infiltrated and controlled by characters who use their power and the authority that derives from it, not for the purposes of the institutions they govern, but in order to destroy them. This crisis of authority must be denounced because the action of those who have reached the highest levels of leadership both of nations and of the Church is a subversive and criminal act."
                                             —Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Read more here


Candidate News 

Rhiannon Bosma for Berowra 

Rhiannon Bosma

Rhiannon Bosma


Julie Hall for Dawson 

Julie Hall for Dawson

This is the best news ever!

I was sent a news article late last night saying George Christensen was running with One Nation and I must say I was a tad nervous but

I should have known better, I chose One Nation because of their integrity which is clearly evident when they chose to keep me as their Dawson Candidate.

Imagine the difference we can now make to not only the electorate of Dawson but Australia if we have more MPs and Senators in Parliament standing up for our democracy and sovereignty as a Nation.

We the people don't have a voice in parliament unless we have politicians who are truly there to represent the people, we don't have enough in there at the moment which is why they haven't been able to create as much change as the people of Australia want to see and deserve.

George joining our One Nation team is a wonderful asset to me personally and One Nation, and a wonderful opportunity for the people of QLD to vote in change.

Thank you George Christensen and welcome to team orange, I look forward to working alongside you. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏



Pauline Hanson's Limited Edition Gin
Made in Queensland and Selling Fast

Limited Edition PHON Gin

We're close to sold out!!!!

Firstly, can I say thank you to everyone who's supported the election campaign to date?

That thank you goes out to our candidates, volunteers, and supporters.

As many of you know, I've launched a limited edition gin that coincides with our cartoon series 'Please Explain'.

I make no apologies for making this the most significant fundraiser we've run. It's helping to support 151 candidates in this election.

Out of the 5000 bottles, I'm left with 503 bottles.

I'm proud to also say we're supporting a Queensland / Aussie distillery for this fundraiser—so thank you to Sunshine & Sons for their hard work too.

Therefore, I'm hoping I can sell out over the weekend to raise some much-needed extra money for corflutes and advertising ahead of May 21st.

Buy online: www.sunshineandsons.com.au/product-page/please-explain-aussie-spirit

Thanks again for your help everyone.


To say the coming federal election is of historical importance to Australia is no exaggeration. Many of us want to see real change and we're looking for a better, more honest government.

Come election day, One Nation has the opportunity to bring that change. Our goal now is to reach even more Australians, and as a grassroots party, we rely on everyday Aussies for support... not corporate lobbyists.

We are so grateful to all our members, volunteers and supporters who are willing to pitch in and enable us to reach more Australians with our animated series and other tools in our campaign toolbox. 

If you can, chip in to assist us with fighting our 2022 Federal Election Campaign... every donation helps:



Identity Politics

Lastly, I couldn't sign off without sharing this 'giggle' with you from George Christensen's Facebook page

That's all from us this week, except to say how grateful we are for all your support. We are growing and strengthening as a party and forging ahead now with our 2022 election campaign.

Those of you who share our news with others are doing much to help grow and nurture our support base.

All of us here at One Nation appreciate you.

Kind regards



Pauline Hanson’s One Nation · 109 Holt St, Eagle Farm, QLD 4009, Australia
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