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Friday, April 15th, 2022

Hans-Herman Hoppe on the State, War, Europe, Decentralization, and Neutrality. Servus TV.

Stephan Kinsella,

Letter to the California Legislature

Margaret Anna Alice

A Reader’s Response to My Piece on the Media’s Ukraine Propaganda

Vasko Kohlmayer

A Motivated Reader Asks: “How Do I Start A Mask Free Airlines?” It’s Easier Than You Think

Allan Stevo

Color the Red State Murder Problem Black

George Hollenback

Conspiracy and Intrigue: The lives of JFK and King David

Jim Fedako

Requiem for the Gray Lady (Part 1)

Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Long Dark Winter

The Z-Man

How The U.S. Does ‘Diplomacy’

Moon of Alabama

Is Covid-19 Snake Venom in Municipal Water Story a Psy-Op?

Wayne Lusvardi

Behind Bilderberg, Trilateral, WEF: the Globalists Have a Major Problem

Jon Rappoport

FDA and Pfizer Knew Covid Shot Caused Immunosuppression

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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