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Dear Friend,
Mother’s Day is coming up, and after more than two years of pandemic stress, we are going BIG on our special day to demand change. We’re turning the tables on Congress and filibustering them. Yes, we’re going to, as we call it, MOMibuster!
For eight hours over Mother’s Day weekend, hundreds of moms, dads, parents, leaders, and caregivers across the nation will be sharing our care stories via submitted pre-recorded short videos, one after the other, and calling out elected leaders for not building the care infrastructure our nation’s families, businesses and economy need to function – for not giving us care!
Here’s how the MOMibuster will work: Just record a simple video of up to 3 minutes telling us what’s caused you stress as a mom, dad, parent or caregiver, and/or tell us a bit about the programs and policies you want to see our country put in place (like affordable childcare and pre-K, paid family/medical leave, healthcare, and more). We’ll give you simple and clear instructions so making the video will take just a few minutes and will be easy peasy!
Part celebration, part plea for help, and part call to action, MomsRising is turning the filibuster on its head. Instead of a tool that blocks the progress moms need, this MOMibuster will actually work for parents, sending the message that we want and need care policies that allow us to both support and care for our families – a care infrastructure that includes affordable child care, free pre-K, paid family and medical leave, home- and community-based services, quality maternal health care for all of us, prescription meds we can afford, a tax system that supports families instead of lining the pockets of wealthy corporations and billionaires, and more.
No more excuses from the lawmakers continuing to ignore the needs of moms and families, right? If you agree, click here to learn how to join the MOMibuster!
Times have been tough and everyone has struggled with care. Please forward this invitation to family, friends, colleagues, mom and parent groups, and everyone, so they have the chance to join the MOMibuster too!
There’s no better time to demand care from our elected leaders than around Mother’s Day. Together, we’ll light up the Internet with our voices and make this a transformative event.
In community and solidarity,
Gloria, Kristin, Lisa, Nate, and the entire MomsRising/MamásConPoderTeam
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