Friends – We’re asking for help to reach our crucial Passover fundraising goal at a difficult time. Right-wing groups are gearing up to press their agenda on Capitol Hill, in primary campaigns and in the midterms.
J Street


We’re asking for your help to reach our crucial Passover fundraising goal at a challenging moment for all of us who care about democratic freedoms.

There are many competing, worthy requests for support, especially with the upcoming midterms.

Our $40,000 Passover goal is our first major target this year, and it's vital the we hit it.

Right-wing groups are gearing up to press their agenda on Capitol Hill, in primary campaigns and in the midterms. Those of us who care about a just, democratic and peaceful future for Israelis and Palestinians cannot afford to take a backward step.

As we see in current events in Israel, Europe and right here at home, the fight to protect democratic freedoms, uphold our values and defeat right-wing forces is as urgent as ever. Ensuring our foreign policy is truly aligned with our values has never been more vital.

Your contribution of any amount toward our Passover fundraising goal is deeply appreciated at this difficult moment. Every donation gets us closer to our goal >>

Your support fuels our work. Donations processed immediately for Express Lane users.

Donate $18 Donate $36
Donate $54 Donate $90
Donate $180 Other

AIPAC and other right-wing groups are now explicitly pushing a ‘black and white,’ ‘with us or against us’ view of Israel advocacy. They’re pushing Jewish Americans to cast aside core liberal and democratic values in favor of blind support for every right-wing politician they deem 'pro-Israel' and every policy the Israeli government pursues, regardless of the consequences.

At J Street, we know that our shared values of freedom, equality and democracy make us stronger, not weaker. That they must be core to our vision, not cast aside.

As we reaffirm our commitment to those values this Passover, we know they must be central to our work as we advocate for a more principled vision of American leadership. Central to our fight for an Israel that lives up to the promises of peace, justice and equality enumerated in its Declaration of Independence.

We understand full well the challenges that lie ahead of us. We know that together we must transform political incentives, bolster candidates of conscience, defeat right-wing demagogues and push our leaders to meaningfully and honestly confront the injustice of the occupation.

Friends -- This crucial Passover fundraising goal will set the pace of our work for 2022. It will mark the strength of our movement and our resources in the year ahead.

Please consider a contribution to help close the gap today. Every donor gets us closer to our goal >>

Donations processed immediately for Express Lane users.

Donate $18 Donate $36
Donate $54 Donate $90
Donate $180 Other

Thank you, sincerely, for joining us in this fight.

Chag Pesach Sameach,

Adee Telem
SVP of Development, J Street


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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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