
My bumbling opponent JD Vance has shown how incompetent he is. In a recent tweet, he called for America to abolish the electoral college! 
In advocating for France’s national popular voting system, J.D. Vance not only called for automatic voter registration and proxy voting—which would gut the integrity of our elections—but for one-party rule by the same coastal elites that he worked side by side with his entire adult life.

Your representative should understand our election process so they can work to ensure their integrity. I do, but obviously, Vance doesn’t. 

Vance’s comments showcase his disregard for our electoral system, his lack of understanding of how to secure our elections, and how he is clearly not ready to take on the many constitutional issues faced in the U.S. Senate.

The Electoral College shouldn’t be abolished. Our elections need protection!

I will fight for smart reforms to make sure our elections are secure--starting with voter ID and an end to ballot harvesting.

Jack if election security is important to you as it is to me, then please click below and help our campaign win the primary.
The Founders created the Electoral College as a check and balance that ensures true representation by having the vote from a rural state count as much as from a coastal state. 

The Electoral College has allowed many of America’s best leaders to rise to the forefront and change our country for the better, including President Trump. 

It’s no wonder Vance wants to abolish the Electoral College. He wants to empower his friends among the coastal elites and he hates President Trump.

You can help me keep Vance out of office and stand up for election integrity. Just click below.
Thank you,

Mike Gibbons