primary season is heating up.
Future Forum PAC

Team, with over half the states holding primaries in May and June, some of our most vulnerable members need you by their side more than ever!

Women are once again holding the frontline, and today we’re highlighting Future Forum members on the DCCC frontline program list that are heavily targeted by the GOP and among the first to battle Republicans this primary season.

Katie Porter (CA-45) is one of the most visible Future Forum members. You may have seen her leading public hearings calling on corporations to do their part in protecting the planet and protecting consumers. Rep. Porter does not hold back! And we need her in Congress fighting for our planet and consumer rights.

Rep. Porter’s primary is on June 7th, and she needs your help fighting back Republican challengers eager to take her seat. Will you contribute today and defend Rep. Porter?

Lauren Underwood (IL-14) is one of the most vocal advocates for maternal health, a health crisis that demands urgent attention to save lives and advance birth equity across our country. With Republican-led states consistently attacking women’s rights and reproductive healthcare, it’s more important than ever to protect Rep. Underwood’s seat in the House.

Rep. Underwood’s primary is on June 28th, and like Rep. Porter, she needs your help fighting all challengers plotting to take her seat and silence her voice. Will you donate today and defend Rep. Underwood?

Thank you for all you do. Primary season is heating up, and friends, the time to unify is now!

Future Forum

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Future Forum PAC is a coalition of young democratic members of Congress focused on issues and opportunities for the next generation. Will you help protect and expand our coalition in Congress by making a contribution today?
Future Forum PAC
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Future Forum PAC
PO Box 83142
Gaithersburg, MD 20883-3142
United States

Paid For By The Future Forum Political Action Committee And Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee. Contributions To The Future Forum Political Action Committee Are Not Deductible For Federal Tax Purposes.