Last year, Ben Ray introduced the Democracy for All Amendment, a constitutional amendment that would overturn Citizens United.

And just recently, Congressman Adam Schiff introduced a similar amendment, moving Congress one step closer to finally setting some ground rules to ensure that elections and policymaking aren’t corporate spending sprees.

The Citizens United decision has had disastrous consequences on our democracy, and the movement to overturn this decision is gaining speed.

Will you sign this petition in support of this constitutional amendment and help us put the power of democracy back in the hands of the public?


Elections are supposed to be a debate about our values and goals, and our elected politicians are supposed to represent us.

But with dark money dominating our political system, far too often it means that billionaires and lobbyists have more of a say in how things run than we the people.

So thank you for taking action with us today. Our democracy is worth it!

Team Ben Ray