Perhaps it seems like more and more people are being trapped in a “cancel culture” mentality.
The data shows that young people are not the ones pushing for these authoritarian tactics. Based on the data in this study, it seems that younger Americans are more likely to be open to hearing information and thinking critically for themselves about what they just heard.
This shows that what we think may be real these days, might not be.
The older generation of libertarians may think that young people are more authoritarian. Inter-generational blame is nothing new. Their parents blamed them for social ills too.
But here, we have a sign of hope. Maybe the media censorship we’ve experienced during this pandemic has had a boomerang effect on a generation that will itself be in power 20 years from now.
Indeed, maybe trust in authority is falling out of vogue. I just read about a speaker addressing a group of college students. He asked, “Do you trust the government?” He was greeted with a room full of dismissive chuckling.
That's why you'll see an Authoritarian segment on the Nolan Chart, when you complete the World's Smallest Political Quiz. People are probably not proud to admit that they are authoritarian and may resist the label. But an authoritarian would think that open questioning of the authorities is misinformation, especially in a crisis such as a pandemic.
Are you, or is someone you love, an authoritarian? Our World’s Smallest Political Quiz helps everyone, even authoritarians, discover their true political identity. Please take it and Share it with someone today.