We’ll cut to the chase - your donation of any amount towards the mid-month fundraising goal tomorrow is a necessity if we’re going to take back the House majority from Nancy Pelosi this November.

You see, we’re already $4,320 behind our budget for the month, and if you thought that was going to be an easy battle, well… think again:
That’s right - Pelosi is already spending SIX FIGURES to try to stop America First fighters like Brian Mast!

This is why reaching our next goal tomorrow is the BARE MINIMUM we need to compete.

  • Putting up ad buys of our own to counter their baseless attacks and get the truth out about their radical Socialist agenda
  • Paying staff so we have the manpower to put together a winning campaign
  • Reaching out to any undecided voters
  • Putting together all the other campaign operations needed to Take Back the House this November
Thank you for your urgent support,
Mast Finance Team