Register now for the launch of FUTURES newest website resource - a National Strategy Center on Engaging Men to End Gender-Based Violence.  Email not displaying correctly?
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Join Futures Without Violence on May 18th for a special webinar launching the National Strategy Center on Engaging Men to End Gender-Based Violence!

Dear John

Futures Without Violence is proud to present its new website, the National Strategy Center on Engaging Men to End Gender-Based Violence. Please join us at either of the below sessions on Wednesday, May 18th, 2022 for a tour and training of the new site!

  • Session 1: Wednesday, May 18th at Noon Eastern / 9:00 AM Pacific
  • Session 2: Wednesday, May 18th at 2:00 PM Eastern / 11:00 AM Pacific

During these sessions, Futures Without Violence will present its new website, the National Strategy Center on Engaging Men to End Gender-Based Violence. This website recognizes Engaging Men as a critical strategy in the effort to promote gender equity and end gender-based violence. It focuses on shifting the difficult reality that all men play a role in enabling violence and abuse to one that incites the opportunity all men have to stop it. From overarching principles and best practices on public messaging to compiled programs and tools, this new website aims to holistically support organizations’ efforts to engage men and boys in meaningful initiatives.
​​​​​These interactive sessions will train participants in how to navigate the website, outline how the website’s content can best support their initiatives, and create connections between those involved in engaging men projects across the country. We hope you will join us for this new, living resource and strategy hub! 

Areas of Content on the New Website Include:

  • Programming with Men and Boys 
  • Public Campaigns and Best Practices in Developing Messaging with Men
  • Training Men in Support of Violence Prevention Initiatives
  • Culturally-Specific and Intersectional Approaches to Engaging Men
  • Evaluating Engaging Men Initiatives 
  • And more…

These sessions will be recorded

 Register for EITHER of the following 1-hour sessions:

SESSION 1: Wednesday, May 18th at Noon Eastern / 9:00 AM Pacific

Session 1 Registration Link:

SESSION 2: Wednesday, May 18th at 2:00 PM Eastern / 11:00 AM Pacific


​​Jesse Mahler,  Futures Without Violence 
Jennifer Rey, Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse, Inc.
Nivea Castaneda, Latinos United for Peace & Equity

If you'd like to connect directly with the hosts or FUTURES team, you can reach us at [email protected]

We hope to see you there! 
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Futures Without Violence
100 Montgomery St.
The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129
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