Check out the inspiring
organizations that will be at Pursuing Justice 2020!
Democracy is about all of us. As Jews working for an inclusive and
just future, we organize alongside partners and allies who inspire,
support, and teach us.
That is why Bend the Arc is so excited to welcome an
incredible community of Participating
Organizations at our national conference, Pursuing Justice

These organizations are doing crucial work to transform our country
— through organizing, education, healing, building community, and
mobilizing millions.
Coming together with our allies will help make Pursuing
Justice 2020 a space for deep conversation, big picture strategy, and
joyful connection. Register today to join us and these incredible
partners at the conference:
Pursuing Justice 2020 is the largest national gathering of
progressive Jews working for social, racial, and economic justice in
the U.S. Is your organization, foundation, or business interested in
becoming a Sponsor or Participating Organization? Learn
more about what’s involved.
— The Pursuing Justice 2020 team
PS: You can learn more about all the Participating Organizations here
(plus check out their websites!). And if you are as
inspired and energized by their work as we are, register
to join us in Washington in May.
Pursuing Justice
2020 acknowledges and thanks our Sponsors and Participating
Organizations for their support of the educational content and
sessions of the conference.