Cease Fire PA Action



A two-year old shouldn’t have access to a gun. If we agree on nothing else as a society, this should be an easy area of consensus. Yet, according to the General Assembly’s lack of action, it’s no big deal. Tell that to the family of a two year old and four year old in Delaware County, as they make funeral plans.

A little brother picked up a gun and shot his four-year old sister in an unintentional shooting. The gun was left unsecured in the back of a truck where they were unattended. She is dead, and he'll live with the trauma for the rest of his life. This is an abysmal public policy failure, and we should all be angry. 

Click here to contact your state lawmaker. We need a safe gun storage law, and we need it now.

It’s easy to get frustrated with this work, but I have really good news to share when it comes to this policy. Here in Pennsylvania, a bill has already been drafted. It simply needs to be brought to the floor for a vote. In Washington, advocates are just three co-sponsors away from passage in the House of Representatives. That would make a national law for safe gun storage. 

Here’s the bottom line: in the coming days, weeks, and months, more of these unintentional shootings will happen. People will flock to the comment sections of social media pages and news websites to cast judgment on parents who are living through the worst moment of their lives. I save a great share of judgment for our government, on elected leaders who have all the information they need to act justly, and choose not to, every single day.

Send your state lawmaker a note right now. Tell them where you stand, and move them to act. It will save a life.

Adam Garber




P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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