Big congratulations to our 2022 scholarship winners! It was so much fun watching the videos of all these talented seniors. We are confident that when they go off to college, they will be a voice of change, and continue to stand up for their conservative values! In third place, we had Addison Winters. She was bold and went to her school board meeting to speak against mask mandates! Go Addison! In second place, we have Kayla Waters. This young lady was 1 of 2 students who spoke against the indoctrination happening at her school, in her school board meeting. We know it takes guts to do that! In FIRST place, we have Brandon Belcher. He made a highly creative video speaking on how group think ideology has become the new norm, and what he can do to stop it. Click the image below to watch their application videos. Congratulations future graduates! Thank you for helping save Texas!