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A Great Education

The next generation of Hoosiers will lead Indiana into a future of innovation, growth and discovery. But right now, they’re in schools across the state, and it’s critical that these young Hoosiers receive the best education possible. 
That’s why it’s vital that Indiana works to retain and attract great teachers, and make sure we continue to improve policies that provide for a great education. 

And I can tell you and the Hoosiers who visited the Statehouse this week that our teachers, parents, and students have allies and partners in our state capitol. Governor Holcomb is committed to increasing teacher compensation, and progress is already underway. Earlier this year, he directed the state to pay $150 million in local school pension liability – freeing $150 million in local school budgets across Indiana that’s now available to give our teachers a well-deserved raise. 

It doesn’t stop there. Since 2017, Governor Holcomb and the Indiana General Assembly have increased education funding by $1.6 billion cumulatively, including by $763 million just this budget cycle. More low-income kids have access to high-quality Pre-K options, computer science will be offered in every K-12 school by 2021, and $19 million has been invested in making Indiana’s schools safer for all. 

But we know that our work isn’t done, and that a great education is what every student deserves. That’s why Hoosier students and teachers will continue to be a top priority – now, and always.
-Kyle Hupfer

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was 
Keeping Hoosiers Connected: 
Largest Single-State Investment in Broadband Keeps Growing

Big news! Governor Holcomb is continuing to expand broadband access, as the state’s largest single state investment in broadband keeps on growing! Indiana’s Next Level Broadband grants are growing in this first round to $28.4 million (with a new $6.3 million announced this week) to expand critical broadband infrastructure and help Hoosiers in 18 counties stay connected.

Governor Holcomb believes that in the 21st century, access to high-quality, affordable broadband is essential to Hoosiers’ success. High-quality broadband will drive economic development, improve the health of Hoosiers, provide more educational opportunities and greatly improve quality of life. The total first round funding will provide broadband infrastructure to more than 11,300 homes and commercial locations!

Also – more big news yesterday: While at this week’s Republican Governors Association meeting, Governor Holcomb was re-elected as the RGA’s policy chairman. Governor Holcomb first joined the RGA’s executive committee in 2017, and as policy chairman, Governor Holcomb is responsible for elevating the proven policies that Republican governors are bringing to Americans in states across the country -- including right here in Indiana.

Thank You, Speaker Bosma
Speaker of the Indiana House of Representatives Brian Bosma announced this week that the 2020 legislative session will be his last. Speaker Bosma has served Hoosiers for 34 years as a state representative, and has served as speaker for 12 years. During his tenure, he’s helped lead Indiana’s turnaround from a middle-of-the-pack state to a leader in balanced budgets, a growing economy, top-ranked infrastructure and more. Thank you, Speaker Bosma, for your service.
"Our party is stronger because of Speaker Bosma’s leadership and Indiana is better because of his decades of service. We’re grateful for all Brian’s done to make Indiana better and congratulate him on a well-earned retirement,” said Chairman Kyle Hupfer.
Welcome Back Home, VP Pence!
It’s always a great week to welcome Vice President Mike Pence back home again to Indiana. He was in Indianapolis on Wednesday to speak at Strada Education Network's National Symposium, where he discussed the need for increased career and technical training to help more Americans fill the high-wage jobs that are available in today’s economy.
Chairman Hupfer on with Tony Katz!
Chairman Kyle Hupfer had a spirited discussion with Tony Katz on WIBC this morning about the 2019 election. In case you missed it, check out the audio here!
Congress of Counties Registration Now Open!
The early bird catches the worm! Early Bird Registration is now open for Congress of Counties 2020! The two-day training conference, which will be hosted in downtown Indy on January 31-February 1, will bring together Republican Party leaders, candidates, and grassroots activists to learn the campaign skills needed to win in 2020 and beyond.
Book now and save! Early Bird Registration is available now for just $75 per person. This special rate will expire on December 1, so please register now. After the early bird period, General Admission Registration (with access to the same programming) will be $100 per person.
--> Register Now! <--
Upcoming Republican Events

December 6: Greater Indianapolis Republican Women's Club Holiday Luncheon and Silent Auction December 14: IRFW Holiday Brunch
**Have an upcoming Republican event not listed here? Let us know at [email protected]p! **

News You Can Use

Governor Holcomb is working to reduce Indiana infant mortality
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch presents grant for new Center Point fire department facility
Secretary of State Connie Lawson is working on cybersecurity for the 2020 election
Senator Todd Young says China & similar nations have too much to say at U.N.
Senator Mike Braun supports new transparency rule in hospital pricing
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski celebrates World Children's Day
Congressman Jim Banks writes op-ed explaining why impeachment isn't justified
Congressman Jim Baird asks questions on EPA science transparency rule
Congresswoman Susan Brooks promotes 5G telecommunication
Congressman Greg Pence introduces legislation for market practices in federal real estate
Congressman Larry Bucshon introduces bipartisan bill to expand nation's recycling
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth participates in automation debate with trucking industry 

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