Dear Friends,

Last Thursday on April 7th, 2022, history was made: after 115 justices over the course of 233 years, the Supreme Court of the United States will finally have a Black woman sit on its bench for the very first time. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson has earned a seat on the highest court in the land, marking a major milestone in the fight for representation and equity. It is long overdue for our judicial system to more accurately reflect the very communities that they serve.

The fight for equity for underserved communities does not end at representation. This is why I would like to ask you to join me tomorrow morning at 10am ET at the White House Virtual Convening on Equity, where over 90 federal agencies will be releasing their Equity Action Plans. Members of President Biden’s Cabinet will outline the strategies that their agencies will take toward addressing the systemic barriers in our nation’s policies that have stood in the way of underserved communities for centuries. You can RSVP for further details below.

To ensure that we continue to have a government that works to serve all the people, we must continue to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. If you are interested in learning ways to be a more effective organizer, particularly in a campaign capacity, sign up to join our DNC Campaign Readiness Organizer Bootcamp on May 21st! The deadline to apply is May 8th. You can find more information and a sign-up link below.

Lastly, we want to encourage you to help celebrate Black Maternal Health Week by hosting a friend bank empowering your community to vote. Check out the info below and make sure that they have everything they need and are ready to hit the polls!

Thank you all for your work and standing by the DNC in the fight for a more equitable nation!

Brencia Berry
Director of Coalitions & Community Engagement
Democratic National Committee

Congratulations, Future Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson!

Since Justice Stephen Breyer announced his retirement, President Biden has conducted a rigorous process to identify his replacement. President Biden sought a candidate with exceptional credentials, unimpeachable character, and an unwavering dedication to the rule of law. Just as important, the President sought an individual who is committed to equal justice under the law and who understands the profound impact that the Supreme Court’s decisions have on the lives of the American people.

That is why the President nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve as the next Justice on the Supreme Court. Judge Jackson is one of our nation’s brightest legal minds and has an unusual breadth of experience in our legal system, giving her the perspective to be an exceptional Justice.

On February 25, 2022, President Joe Biden nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to become the 116th Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

On April 7, 2022, a bipartisan group of Senators confirmed Judge Jackson's nomination. 

We at the DNC is so thrilled for Judge Jackson’s historic confirmation and grateful to President Biden for fulfilling this key campaign promise!

You Are Invited:
White House Virtual Convening on Equity

WHEN: Thursday April 14th, 10AM ET
WHERE: The summit will stream live on the
White House Youtube Channel

This Thursday, Ambassador Susan Rice, Director of the Domestic Policy Council, Shalanda Young, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and members of President Biden’s Cabinet will lay out concrete strategies and commitments that agencies are releasing to address the systemic barriers in our nation’s policies and programs that hold too many underserved communities back from prosperity, dignity, and equality. National equity leaders will also participate in the convening.

These Equity Action Plans will expand federal investment and support in communities who have been locked out of opportunity for too long, including communities of color, Tribal communities, rural communities, LGBTQI+ communities, disability communities, communities of faith, women and girls, and communities impacted by persistent poverty.


DNC Campaign Readiness Organizer Bootcamp

The Campaign Readiness Project is a paid train-to-hire bootcamp program at the DNC with the goal of supporting states in their recruitment, training, and hiring of diverse, talented, and local staff. Participation in these bootcamps will expand opportunities for consideration for campaign roles in states with the aim of helping elect Democrats up and down the ballot. Ideal candidates for this Campaign Readiness Project Bootcamp are those who are looking to work as a Field Organizer for state parties and/or coordinated campaigns for the 2022 elections. 

The event will take place virtually on May 21 and applications close on May 8. Sign up below!

Apply Here

Black Maternal Health Week Friend Bank

Join Organize Everywhere and Found Director of Mothering Justice Danielle Atkinson to talk about the importance of voting and building power in every community.

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