John, if you believe life is precious, I want to share a story with you I recently read ...
A story you don’t want to miss!
See how you can rescue moms and babies from abortion!
Now you can save TWICE
Kelly* was planning on getting an abortion, until she saw her child on the ultrasound. Her 19-week-old baby rubbed his nose with a tiny little hand! Then, he opened his mouth and stretched. Kelly broke down into tears at the sight of her baby moving around and decided to choose life. You helped her see how God formed the baby growing inside of her!
That gives me chills just thinking about it, John! How about you?
And while I celebrate this significant event, I am also reminded that mothers and their babies are still at risk of abortions every single day. It’s this reality that fuels my passion to save these innocent lives even more intentionally.
To that end, I want to ask if you’d consider saving mothers and babies from the tragedy of abortion. For more than 40 years, friends like you have helped Focus on the Family support families, a mission that includes saving lives! In fact, right now, some generous pro-life friends have extended a $4 million dollar match so that your gift can save not just one baby from abortion, but two!
Specifically, when you make a gift of $60, your gift will be doubled because of the limited-time match to save TWO lives from abortion through the Option Ultrasound program. If you don’t know, the Option Ultrasound program equips pregnancy medical centers with sonography equipment and training to help moms meet the child growing inside of them.
This effort, along with our SeeLife 2022 campaign live and online event, reveals life to save lives. But we need your help.
Will you please prayerfully consider giving today to save lives? With your help, we can use every single dollar of the match to save mothers and babies from the horrors of abortion by providing them ultrasounds and life-affirming care and support.
Whatever you give today, you’ll be rescuing more mothers like Kelly and their babies.
I hope you will take advantage of this special opportunity, John. And remember, your support will go TWICE AS FAR through our $4 Million Match.
Please give now! Thanks for considering this before this limited-time opportunity ends.
Grateful for you!

Jim Daly
President, Focus on the Family
*Name changed to protect privacy |