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Veterans are suffering because they don't have what they need to access services. 

All across the country, veterans are forced to pay for the state-issued IDs they need to VOTE, apply for social services, housing, and even to access food pantries. 

Help struggling Veterans get the IDs they need to break out of poverty and homelessness.

At Project ID Action Fund, we believe that #FreeIDsForVets should be available to everyone who served, like David. 

David is a former intelligence officer who came to California to use the last of his GI Bill at music school. He is passionate about writing and playing music and wants to be the "hometown hero" who jams at local bars and festivals. Our colleagues at our sister organization, Spread The Vote + Project ID, met David at a U.S.VETS site, where they are now volunteering regularly to help the veterans living in the facility get
state-issued IDs. 

The good news is, because he met age requirements, David walked away with an ID at no cost. The bad news is, there are 21 million eligible voters, many who are Veterans, with limited resources , who do not qualify for free or reduced fee IDs. 

The need is urgent and we are running out of time to raise the funds necessary to take legislative action for our heroes. Primaries are happening soon and we MUST elect state-level candidates that will take action for Vets who cannot afford an ID. 

You can help us make this happen. Chip in what you can and help us help Vets.

Join the #FreeIDsForVets movement by sharing this email, volunteering to write letters or call local legislators, following our efforts on Social Media and supporting PIDAF

Donate now to help veterans get free ids
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