J Street

Friends --

It’s been a truly horrific and frightening few weeks in Israel.

Since March 22, Israelis have endured the deadliest wave of terror attacks in many years. From Tel Aviv to Be'er Sheva to Hadera, four attacks including shootings, stabbings and car-rammings have killed 14 Israelis and injured dozens more.

Shopping centers, apartment buildings, bars and bus stops were transformed into scenes of chaos, panic, shattered glass and devastation. The victims included rabbis and police officers; Jews, Muslims and Christians.

There’s something especially terrifying about scenes of violence erupting in everyday life. It recalls for me the fear, dread and insecurity that permeated life through the second intifada.

Now, as we approach the convergence of Easter, Ramadan and Passover -- a traditionally turbulent time for the region -- I hope dearly that there is no more pain and loss to come.

In the West Bank and Gaza, Palestinian families are bracing for further potential reprisals, clampdowns and escalation.

This time last year, a spiral of violence emanating from discriminatory evictions and excessive use of force in Jerusalem escalated into a broader Israeli-Palestinian conflagration, with Hamas rockets fired at Israeli cities and Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. That terrible escalation killed over a dozen Israelis and more than 200 Palestinians, including more than 60 children.

Much still remains unclear about this latest wave of horrific attacks and just how connected they are. Two West Bank attackers appear to have been motivated by violent resistance to the occupation, while three Palestinian citizens of Israel who carried out attacks appear to have had some connection to ISIS.

This latest wave of tragedies serves as a stark reminder that this conflict cannot simply be “managed” or “shaped.” That we must be clear-eyed and committed in our resolve to end it. Tolerating the deteriorating, dangerous and unjust status quo means only more suffering, grief and pain for innocent families on all sides.

We cannot accept a future in which generation after generation of Israeli children must be drilled to rush to bomb shelters when rocket sirens pierce the air, or scan for exits whenever they’re out in public. In which generation after generation of Israeli youth are sent to guard wrecking crews, eviction teams and illegal settlements.

We cannot accept a future in which generation after generation of Palestinians grow up under military occupation, passing through checkpoints at gunpoint, deprived of civil and political rights and freedoms.

We cannot accept a future of endless conflict in which the Jewish people’s liberation, freedom and self-determination come at the expense of those same rights for Palestinians. A future in which Israel exists in a constant state of insecurity, and slips further and further from its founders’ vision of a truly just, democratic homeland for the Jewish people.

We must empower the advocates of peace and justice on both sides, and confront those who are driven by extremist ideology to thwart a shared, peaceful future.

As Americans, our role is to demand that the US, as both a global superpower and Israel’s closest friend, demonstrates strong leadership to end the deteriorating status quo, break the cycle of violence, and uphold the right to freedom, safety and self-determination for both peoples.

Today and every day, we at J Street are committed to this critical work. Thank you, sincerely, for standing with us, and for your continued support of our mission and our efforts.

May you and your family, and all families in Israel and Palestine, have safe and peaceful holidays, whether it be Passover, Ramadan, Easter or none of the above.

Thank you,

Adina Vogel-Ayalon
Chief of Staff, J Street

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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