10,000 RESPONSES NEEDED: Do you agree we must DECRIMINALIZE marijuana?
I’ve seen the evidence, and it’s clear:
Criminalizing marijuana disproportionately harms communities of color like mine.
Do you agree we must DECRIMINALIZE marijuana?
YES! >>    No
I’ve seen the evidence firsthand. 
Criminalizing marijuana does significant harm -- especially for communities of color like mine. 
I’ve read countless studies showing people of color are much more likely to be arrested for minor, non-violent marijuana use -- even though its use is the SAME across all racial groups. 
And due to mandatory minimums, we are locking up hundreds of thousands of non-violent, first-time offenders.
That’s an injustice we must correct.



People for Ben
PO Box 25371
Albuquerque, NM 87125


Paid for and authorized by People for Ben.