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Hi Friend,

The Mississippi Legislature has adjourned, and you have undoubtedly heard about our efforts to advance bills that promote freedom and prosperity in our state. But just because the legislative session is over does not mean our work is done. 

One way we continue to protect freedom during the off-session is through our litigation arm, the Mississippi Justice Institute (MJI).

For decades, liberal groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union have invested a great deal of time and effort pursuing their agendas through the courts.  Until recently, conservatives simply had not done the same. At most, we defended legislative victories when forced to do so, but had no legal strategy of our own to actively advance and protect liberty before the judicial branches of government.

At the Mississippi Justice Institute, we are changing that, right here in our own back yard.

When people think about how to impact public policy, they tend to think about the fights in Washington D.C. or sometimes what the U.S. Supreme Court is doing. But the government entities that usually affect our daily lives the most are state agencies, licensing boards, and commissions. Too often, ordinary people who are victims of overreach by these government bodies have nowhere to turn for help.

That’s where MJI comes in. When the government is impairing our clients’ rights, and doing so in a way that violates the Constitution, we seek to have those government actions struck down.  And we do it for free. 

For every well-known example of government overreach at the federal level, there are countless cases at the state and local level: occupational licensing run amuck, anticompetitive business regulations, laws that trample on free speech, gun rights, and religious liberty, just to name a few. These cases require lawyers who are well versed in Mississippi’s Constitution and statutory law, and willing to persist through extensive legal battles against often intransigent administrative agencies.

We are proud to take up these legal challenges in Mississippi, and with your continued help and support, we plan to do so for many more years to come.
In Liberty,

Aaron Rice
Director of MJI
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