Use social media to stop BlackRock
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Hi friend,
Today, BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, is announcing it’s annual profits.
BlackRock is one of Zambia’s biggest lenders. For the past two years, the Southern African country has been in debt crisis, leading to serious cuts in funding for public services. Zambia’s spending on social services fell by 21% between 2019 and 2021.
Because of high interest rates, BlackRock is set to make huge profits on Zambia’s debts. They could make $180 million profit for itself and its clients if the debts are paid in full.
We need to make as much noise as possible to let BlackRock know they must #CancelZambiasDebt:
Click here to send a tweet ([link removed])
Post on Instagram with #LifeAtBlackRock ([link removed])
Thousands of us have already signed the petition calling on BlackRock to #CancelZambiasDebt, but we need thousands more to really get the message across.
If you don’t use Twitter or Instagram can you forward the email to friends and family with this link to the petition ([link removed]) and ask them to support the campaign?
BlackRock refused earlier requests by Zambia to suspend debt payments, and has not offered to restructure any of the debt.
Negotiations on the debt restructuring are taking place now between Zambia and BlackRock. David, verses Goliath.
Let’s win a world where countries like Zambia won’t ever have to choose between funding public services or paying off unjust debts. We want to make as much noise on BlackRock's social media channels as possible and share the campaign far and wide.
Click here to send a tweet ([link removed])
Post on Instagram with #LifeAtBlackRock ([link removed])
As ever, thank you for your continued support.
All the best,
P.S. BlackRock doesn’t really use Facebook, which is why we haven't included it here.
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