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Dear Evidence Action Supporter,

For many years, Evidence Action’s Dispensers for Safe Water program has provided over 4 million people in rural Kenya, Uganda, and Malawi with free and reliable access to safe drinking water. 

Now we’re delighted to share that we have secured a new investment of up to $64.7 million – recommended by GiveWell and funded by Open Philanthropy – to more than double the size of the program. 

We estimate that we’ll be providing over 9 million people in total with access to safe drinking water by 2023. 

A major catalyst for this grant has been new evidence from Nobel Laureate Michael Kremer, Stanford professor Stephen Luby, and colleagues showing that water treatment reduces child mortality by around 25%. This astounding result means that Dispensers for Safe Water is one of the most cost-effective interventions to save the lives of young children. 

Read our announcement of this exciting expansion, including more on the evidence we’re translating into impact, here.

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blank​​​​​Onward together,

Kanika Bahl 
Chief Executive Officer                              

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