Hi John,

We’ve got Tommy Robinson (a.k.a. Stephen Lennon) on the ropes. He released a video last week explaining that he is no longer bankrupt and why HOPE not hate can’t keep going after his assets. Not only is this wrong* but he’s continuing to use these lies as a way to bring in even more cash from his supporters. 

Fellow thug and close friend Danny Tommo has just resigned from Robinson’s campaign, citing family reasons, but we believe he knew we were closing in on him and he decided to bail out to try to avoid further scrutiny. 

Robinson is so riled by our exposés that he has launched a range of rambling verbal attacks on HOPE not hate in the last few days, including threatening to expose our staff and their families. He has even teamed up with Britain First leader Paul Golding to call for a police investigation into us, clearly in the hope that this will distract us from our own investigation. All this goes to show just how desperate he is.

Rest assured: as long as Robinson continues to whip up hate, we will keep up our campaigning against him. Over the next few weeks we will reveal more details of Lennon’s hidden assets and money-making operation.

Robinson faces contempt of court proceedings after he failed to attend court to answer questions over his finances last month. He’s due in the High Court on 6th May, and an arrest warrant could be issued if he is a no-show again - we’ll keep you posted on the latest developments. 

It’s not nice to be targeted by Tommy Robinson, especially given his history of harassment and violence, but the fact that he is going after us so aggressively proves to me that he’s worried about us

HOPE not hate exists to stand up to haters and bullies and we are only able to continue to do this because of the fantastic support you all give us.


Nick Lowles
CEO, HOPE not hate

*We explain why here: https://twitter.com/JoeMulhall_/status/1511305388859314183 


HOPE not hate provides the antidote of hope to the politics of hate. Our work tackles the far right wherever they operate, exposing and disrupting them. And we tackle the root causes of hate, building community resilience whenever they seek to divide us.

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